Magnetic Materials in the Light of Photons, Neutrons and Free Electron Lasers
Satellite meeting during CSMAG’25
(Wednesday, 9.7.2025, late afternoon)
We are pleased to announce the satellite meeting "Magnetic Materials in the Light of Photons, Neutrons and FELs", bringing together leading experts to discuss the latest advancements in magnetism research. Distinguished scientists will present tutorial lectures about their studies on diverse magnetic materials and phenomena, utilizing state-of-the-art experimental techniques. The meeting will highlight the unique insights gained from large-scale facilities such as neutron sources, synchrotrons, and free-electron lasers. These powerful tools enable the exploration of spin dynamics, topological magnetism, and emergent quantum effects with unprecedented precision. Through cutting-edge investigations, we aim to deepen our understanding of magnetic interactions at the atomic and nanoscale levels. Join us for an inspiring exchange of ideas on the future of magnetism research.
Preliminary list of confirmed speakers
- Pavol Sovák, UPJŠ Košice, SK
- Juraj Krempaský, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH
- Robert Carley, European XFEL, DE
- Hugo Dil, EPFL, CH
- Peter Benčok, Diamond Light Source, UK
- Jiří Kulda, Institut Laue-Langevin, FR
- Kai Schlage, DESY Hamburg, DE