Jul 7 – 11, 2025
Europe/Bratislava timezone
NEWS: Notification of abstract acceptance will be communicated very soon.

CSMAG history

About Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism “CSMAG”

CSMAG continues in the tradition of meetings of Czech and Slovak magnetic communities, which have been successfully held in Košice since 1960. First meeting of Czechoslovak magnetic community was held at the academic premises of Technical University of Košice in 1960 and it was organized by prof. Hajko and prof. Juraj-Daniel Szabó. Both those professors influenced establishing of Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (FS UPJŠ) in 1963, its first dean was prof. Hajko and prof. J.D. Szabó was head of Department of Experimental Physics. Their main scientific orientation was magnetism and their research groups were closely cooperating with colleagues from Prague: Luboš Valenta, Ján Kaczér, Svatopluk Krupička, Zdeněk Frait, Zdeněk Málek, Karel Závěta, Štefan Zajac and others. Therefore, the second meeting was organized in 1963 at brand new Faculty of Science as “2nd Czechoslovak Conference on Magnetism”.

Up to 8th conference (1984) it was still mainly conferences for Czechoslovak magnetic community with participation of foreign colleagues mainly from Hungary and Poland. Relatively long gap between the 8th conference (1984) and 9th  conference (1995) was caused by the organization of European Magnetic Materials and Applications Conference “EMMA” in 1993, which was a great honor for the local magnetic community represented mainly by researchers from FS UPJŠ, from Institute of Experimental Physics Slovak Academy of Science in Košice and Technical University of Košice (TUKE). Now one can say that EMMA Conference helped to transform regional character of the Czechoslovak Conference to the event with wide European engagement. Each conference from next series had about 300 participants from above 20 countries.

So, the 9th conference was the first one when Czech and Slovak Republics came as independent countries and title of the conference was slightly changed to Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism. In this new series the Conference started with a new logo and abbreviation “CSMAG”. The CSMAG´95 was for the first time held at the Conference Centre at the Faculty of Medicine of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (FM UPJŠ) and also for the first time Ivan Škorvánek and Pavol Sovák were honored to be a conference chairmen.

Date and location of the CSMAG Conferences:

  • 9th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´95, 
    28.8. – 30.8.1995, Košice (FM UPJŠ)
  • 10th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´98,
    24. – 27.8.1998, Košice (IEP SAS)
  • 11th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´01,
    20.8. – 23.8.2001, Košice (FS UPJŠ)
  • 12th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´04,
    12.7. – 15.7.2004, Košice (FM UPJŠ)
  • 13th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´07,
    9.7. – 11.7.2007, Košice, (FM UPJŠ)
  • 14th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´10,
    6.7. – 9.7.2010, Košice, (FM UPJŠ)
  • 15th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´13,
    17.6. – 21.6.2013, Košice, (TUKE) 
  • 16th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´16,
    13.6. – 17.6.2016, Košice, (TUKE)
  • 17th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´19,
    3.6. – 7.6.2019, Košice, (FM UPJŠ)
  • 18th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, CSMAG´25,
    7.7. – 11.7.2025, High Tatras, Štrbské Pleso, Hotel Patria