Jul 7 – 11, 2025
Europe/Bratislava timezone
NEWS: Notification of abstract acceptance will be communicated very soon.


  1. Theoretical challenges in magnetically ordered and disordered systems
  2. Amorphous, nanocrystalline and other soft magnetic materials
  3. Magnetic materials for energy applications 
    (permanent magnets, magnetocaloric materials, motors, transformers, sensors, actuators …. )
  4. Magnetic materials and heterostructures for spintronics, topological and quantum magnetic phenomena
  5. Fine particles magnetism
  6. Low-dimensional magnetic materials, molecular magnets and ferrofluids
  7. Rare-earth and 5f-systems
  8. Strongly correlated electron systems, superconducting materials
  9. Multifunctional magnetic materials 
    (multiferroic, magnetoelastic, shape memory, …)
  10. Other magnetic materials and applications not included in 1-9.